Advancing prenatal care in your clinic

Supporting doctors, chiropractors, midwives, massage therapists, birth educators, physiotherapists, acupuncturists and other health care providers in better assessment and treatment of pregnant women.

Bach Bone: Expand your practice

Assessment and treatment of a pregnant woman can be enhanced when she is able to lie with ease in the prone position. Both patient and practitioner comfort are dramatically increased with the used of Bach Bone Assessment and Treatment cushions. 

Studies show that between 50% and 80% of pregnant women suffer from low back pain or pelvic restrictions during pregnancy. Mechanical stressors can negatively impact pregnancy and birth.

Women turn to conservative health care providers for relief.

Improve and expand your practice by including comfortable, accessible and effective prenatal care options for your community.


"The Chiropractic clinic I work at does not have tables with the drop for a woman's belly - I am Webster certified and love working with prenatal patients so Bach Bone was a perfect solution for me. I think it's more comfortable for patients than the drop table anyways."

Crystal G DC

"As an RMT I used to avoid giving prenatal massages because the side-lying massage was too uncomfortable for me. With the use of these cushions I've been able to expand my prenatal practice and feel comfortable while doing it."

Sydney L RMT

The Birth Experience

can have a tremendous impact on the health of both a mother and her baby - it is our duty to provide the highest level of care